Post Edit De Un Cromosoma

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Eleven tracks spread over four sides of wax. Multi-layered electronic compositions that have a hi-fi, glitch-centric feel using clicks and cuts, delays, micro samples and syncopated beats.

"What a surprise, Insecto does actually sound like insects. Chilean producer Jimmy Pizzaro appears to have metamorphosed into the audio equivalent of a stag beetle, with massive pincers ripe for some sample chopping. If you’re into intricately arranged little snippets of sound, then this’ll get your pincers waggling too.
The entire release uses that same technique, utilising maximal sound sources for a relatively delicate, small sound. But once you zone in it’s rhythmically very interesting, breezing through an irregular tempo here and a free groove there. This extends to the IDM-influenced bass-lines such as in ‘Wiskick’ too; in fact, a lot of this is rather Intelligent, reminiscent of the earlier soundfuddling of Autechre or µ-ziq, but with a loungier slant from electric piano chords. There’s this swelling, panned crackle making an appearance throughout that’s like taking a shower in crispy pine needles. Actually that would feel a lot worse than the crackle sounds, but it certainly adds a beautiful glossy layer to tracks like ‘Dplan’.
Such a low level of variety makes it a hard album to get through, with major changes lying in simple additions of swing like on ‘Trumpe’. After the first half of the LP you sort of ‘get it’. But it’s a kinda mesmerising slice of Mille Plateaux style loungey IDM insect music for the end of your year that will possibly encourage you to build a chrysalis and wait out the weather." Norman Records